Here is a page where we test various ways to embed .wav files into a web page. If you're interested in a different audio format, try one of the pages on the left.

First off, we can just put in a bare link. So here's the link to the famous Marechal Ferrant, which comes from the famous French Songs from the Loo.

<object> Tag Set

Then, we'll play Marechal Ferrant, but using an unadorned <object> tag.
Marechal Ferrant
This plain object works, but it autoplays unless you add
<param name="autoplay" value="false" />.
Also, it seems, that the alignment is rather borked unless we put some height and width to the object.
But it doesn't work in IE6. Not even when one adds a "src" parameter.

<embed> Tag Set

Ok, now we'll try the <embed> element.

Marechal Ferrant
So, <embed>, pretty much unadorned save for the autostart="false" requirement works in IE6, whereas <object> does not. Interestingly, I don't get a visible control in Opera, but do get autoplay.

New HTML5 <audio> Tag Set

Ok, now we'll try the <audio> element.

I had to add the attribute controls="controls" to get it to show up in Opera. It plays in Opera and Chrome just fine.


Here's the dope:

<object>Works fine
<embed>No control but autoplays
<audio>Works fine.
<object>Does not work
<embed>Does work
<audio>Does not work
<embed>Does work
<audio>Does not work
<object>Works fine
<embed>Does not work--no visible control
<audio>Works fine
<object>Works fine
<embed>Does not work--no visible control
<audio>Works fine
<object>Works fine
<embed>Does not work--no visible control
<audio>Works fine

So, it seems that <object> and <audio> work in most browsers, but <embed> does not. Then there's IE, where <embed> is the only way to play .wav files.

What's next?

Redo the exercise with some other formats, such as .wav and .ogg, whatever the hell that is. Do I want to hunt up some .aiff as well?