pink's world |
: : This is a personal diary that I want to share : : what I feel and what I think about things : : that happen in my life. It is just my opinion : : that might be right, but this is what I feel. |
May 15, 2010: Riot in Thailand I just got messege from Steve's grand father saying that there was another riot happened in Bangkok, Thailand, so I called my sister this morning, and found that it happened very close to my sister's apartment. It was very sacary. She could smell the rubber burnt from inside her apartment. She said the protestants or Red Shirt group fought with the soldier. They used the hand-made bomb and other weapons. It have been prolonge for about 2 months, and the goverment doesn't want to lessen anymore. They need to stop this or the country will get worst. I wish this will stop soon. I don't want to beleive that a lot of people encroach our King who have been takes care of his people and the country. Why people have to fight to each other and destroy the country like this. I feel really bad for my country and other Thai people who live there. What ever happen, or other people say, I know that I love my King. |
May 15, 2010 May 17, 2010 |
May 17, 2010: Riot in Thailand 2 My sister sent me an email last night saying that it was very bad around her area. People have to escape from their apartment. She couldn't get into her apartment because the Red-shirt crew stoped all the cars in the area. After she negotiated with the Red-shirt guard, they finlally let her in. At that night she could hear the gun fire all night long, the smoke from rubber burnt outside smell very strong. She left the windows open even it was very loud outside because she afriad if the building get fired. It have been 40 years since the civil war in Thailand last time. I wish everything will get better nobody get hurt and the country come back to normal soon. |